Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Summer Fun

So I haven't posted anything all summer so here is a collection of a few photos from our summer in New England.
In August we went to Cape Cod and spent time with my cousin Lindsay and her boyfriend Chuck at his grandparents' house. We ate more seafood that weekend then we have the whole time we've been out here. The seafood was amazing!!! Fresh shrimp, swordfish, and clams. We even went fishing in the bay.

Here is the fish that Aaron caught. It is called a scup. We were fishing with clams.

In June we went to a Red Sox game. We watched them play the Giants. The atmosphere at Fenway was amazing. I've never been to a regular season baseball game where everyone was so excited and the stadium is sold out.

Here's us in the bleachers. It was hot, but we had fun.

In June we went on a whale watching cruise with Aaron's parents and sister. Here's the Boston skyline from the harbor.

Seeing the whales was awesome. We saw a 70ft Fin Whale and a few humpback whales. This picture is of a humpback whale coming up for air. We did see one whale flip their fin into the air, but it was hard to get a picture of it. Whales do not like to pose for the camera.