Thursday, December 20, 2007

Recent Travels

This past fall we have been able to do a little bit of traveling. In September Anne came out to Boston for my birthday. We went to a whale museum in New Bedford, MA, Salem Witch Museum in Salem, MA and walked all over Boston. In October my parents drove out to Boston and we walked all over Boston, saw Plymouth Rock and a replica of the Mayflower in Plymouth, MA, went to the John Quincy Adams Mansion and tried candlepin bowling. In November we had the opportunity to go to New York City for the day on a bus trip with the company I work for. We loved taking in the sites of the city. The following are a few pictures from our adventures.

Whale Museum

Sperm Whale Skeleton. The museum had the most complete whale skeletons of any museum in US. It was about the history of whale hunting.

We toured the museum about the witch trials. The city of Salem was a beautiful town.

We took a tour of the Lexington Battle Green. This is where Paul Revere had rode his horse to warn the colonists of the British coming.

This is the famous Plymouth Rock along the coast in Plymouth, MA.

This is President John Quincy Adams family mansion. Almost everything inside was original to the house. It was amazing to see all the original artwork, dishes and furniture.This is the first presidential library. It is on the property of the Adams family mansion.
We went candlepin bowling with my parents. We all did terrible. The bowling ball is the size of a bocce ball and the pins are very narrow.
Times Square

We were walking down 5th Ave and saw a huge line up of fire trucks. These fire fighters were standing around and I saw someone else getting their picture taken with them. I decided to ask for a photo too. It was neat to be able to take a picture with the heroes of NYC.Me outside the Today show studio in Rockefeller Center.
Aaron in Central Park. I never realized how huge the park was. It is over 800 acres.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Summer Fun

So I haven't posted anything all summer so here is a collection of a few photos from our summer in New England.
In August we went to Cape Cod and spent time with my cousin Lindsay and her boyfriend Chuck at his grandparents' house. We ate more seafood that weekend then we have the whole time we've been out here. The seafood was amazing!!! Fresh shrimp, swordfish, and clams. We even went fishing in the bay.

Here is the fish that Aaron caught. It is called a scup. We were fishing with clams.

In June we went to a Red Sox game. We watched them play the Giants. The atmosphere at Fenway was amazing. I've never been to a regular season baseball game where everyone was so excited and the stadium is sold out.

Here's us in the bleachers. It was hot, but we had fun.

In June we went on a whale watching cruise with Aaron's parents and sister. Here's the Boston skyline from the harbor.

Seeing the whales was awesome. We saw a 70ft Fin Whale and a few humpback whales. This picture is of a humpback whale coming up for air. We did see one whale flip their fin into the air, but it was hard to get a picture of it. Whales do not like to pose for the camera.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Maine and New Hampshire

On Memorial Day we drove up to Kennebunkport,ME for the day with our friends. Here is Aaron at Colony Bay Beach. The weather was gorgeous and the scenery was amazing.

The guys thought it would be fun to skip rocks in the ocean.

We drove along ocean drive and saw the former President's Bush's summer home. We drove right past the driveway and saw the security gaurds at the entrance.

On the way home we stopped at the Nubble Lighthouse in York, ME. The lighthouse was on an island.

This past Sunday we went up to Pilgrim Pines Camp in West Swanzey, NH for our church picnic. The camp was on a small, secluded lake. It kind of reminded me of NGYC.

The view of the lake and surrounding area from the beach at the camp.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Haircut

So, today I decided to get my haircut. I was looking for a change. I was tired of my hair being half permed and half straight. It is drastic change for me! I haven't had my hair this short in a long time.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our First Visitors

My Mom and Carrie came to visit this past weekend. We took them on a four day tour of Boston. Here are a few of the highlights of our time together.

Tea at the Prudential Center

The Oldest Park in America

The Boston Harbor

Cheers, "Where everybody knows your name"

Carrie really wanted to go to a cementary. We found Paul Revere's grave and Mother Goose's.

We went out to dinner at Legal Seafood. My Mom was excited to eat her lobster, eventhough it was looking at her.

John F Kennedy Presidential Museum

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Welcome to our blog.

Well I finally decided to post a picture. Here is a picture of us from Christmas. We enjoyed being able to see so many of our family and friends during our short trip home. We miss everyone and hope that many of you will be able to make the trip out to Boston sometime to visit.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Merry Christmas

Welcome to our blog. Pictures will be coming soon. We look forward to seeing everyone for Christmas.