Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Haircut

So, today I decided to get my haircut. I was looking for a change. I was tired of my hair being half permed and half straight. It is drastic change for me! I haven't had my hair this short in a long time.


Anonymous said...

Denise - Wow! Your hair cut looks great! I'm sure you were tired of the perm look and your new style is very "in"! Love, MOM

Jill Anderson said...

I love it!

Anonymous said...

Hey cutie-
I love it, it is cute. It reminds me of junior high days (LOL). Anne

Jill Anderson said...

What does Aaron think?

Anonymous said...

Aaron actually found the hairstyle online. He likes the change. It's fun to have a new hairstyle.

Anonymous said...

yeah i love changing hairstyles too

Gloria said...


I love the look. I am delighted to see you have a blog now as well.
